Mike Wilkerson - Custom Graphic Artist and Web Designer...


Welcome to Mike Wilkerson.Com  - Mike is a Father, Talk Show Host, Professional Podcaster, Blogger, Cartoonist, Graphic Designer and a Good Dude.  Please read on below or click any of the links above to learn more...

Mike Wilkerson - Custom Graphic Artist and Web Designer...
Mike Wilkerson - Custom Graphic Artist and Web Designer...
Mike Wilkerson - Custom Graphic Artist and Web Designer...

Click Here to "Grab the Wheel!"
The Blog and Podcast Legacy:
Be sure to visit my own blog, where I will share my opinions, thoughts and more. Don't miss our podcasts either - It's great fun!

DVD and TV Entertainment:
Movies and entertainment in general are something I enjoy greatly.  Be sure to check out my most recent add-ons and my collection.

Thanks for taking the time to come and visit my website.  I have been working in the Web Graphics and Design field for 12 years and have been an artist of all kinds since my sophomore year in high school. 

If you've found your way here, you're either looking for more information about me, or have found an errant link left in one of the many web jobs I've worked on previously.  In any case:  Welcome!

Mike Wilkerson - Custom Graphic Artist and Web Designer...

What's New!?:
I've talked plenty about how my activities doing my web graphics, my blog entries and my podcasts are literally a living legacy that I leave for my child, family, and friends that allows them to "see my life" as I grow older - how cool is that?  Have you ever thought about what YOU are leaving behind?  Thanks again for visiting my website and I look forward to hearing from you! 

Site Designed by MikeWilkerson.Com © All Rights Reserved - 2GuysTalking Podcast Network - 2014